Jack Balas, 2022; HEADED TO MAINE (#2365); India ink on paper, 22x30 inches


I am headed to Maine day after tomorrow at the height of autumn, to be in a show. Bates College is flying me out and putting me up and it's not the first time either- in Maine, Iowa, Texas, more. The first time I was on my own, sleeping in my car, climbing Katahdin, even met Andrew Wyeth.
If you told me way back then I'd be doing this all today I'da said Huh? You nuts? Where do I sign up? Some people say you need a roadmap, but Joseph Campbell said it best: Follow your bliss.
This dog followed me into this painting and at first I thought of a title "A Dog's Life," until I looked up the meaning. No Way. So much better is the Marine I met on the beach in Honolulu. He'd just spent four months at sea and now was on shore leave. He kept looking around and shaking his head, smiling and saying to himself "Livin' the life. Livin' the life." If he ever needs a dog I've got one in mind.

Today is (was) October 25 & 26, 2022.